Introduction the solution of U boot slab

Post date: 05-11-2016

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Disposable formwork for two-way lightened voided slabs in reinforced concrete cast on site.

U-Boot Beton® is a recycled polypropylene formwork that was designed to create lightened slabs and rafts.

The use of U-Boot Beton® formwork makes it possible to create mushroom pillars, with the possibility to have the mushroom in the thickness of the slab.
Thanks to the conic elevator foot, immerging the U-Boot Beton® formworks in the concrete casting will create a gridwork of mutually perpendicular beams closed from the bottom and the top by a flat plate that is created with a single casting; this results in considerable reduction in the use of concrete and steel.

U-Boot Beton® is used to create slabs with large span or that are able to support large loads without beams.
Light and quick and easy to position, thanks to their modularity the designer can vary the geometric parameters as needed to adapt to all situations with great architectural freedom.

U-boot is used  in all applications  that require a plate structural  solution, along with concrete-savings and  therefore weight-savings. In tower buildings, weight-saving at every floor reduces load on foundations. The fact of avoiding beams being out of the slab thickness, enables the reduction of height for each floor. Therefore, a higher number of floors can be built. By using U-boot beton, it is possible to build thick raft foundations with a reduced quantity of concrete (and weight). U-boot is the ideal solution to create  slabs of big spans and/or with a high bearing capacity. In case of difficult access to the building site or restructuring,  U-boot beton  permits to build up the horizontal structures without using lifting and movement devices,  because of its stackability, modularity, lightness and manageability. The U-boot system particularly fits  structures  that   need   significant  open   spaces,  like  bureaus,industrial  and   commercial   buildings,  and   civil constructions as well. The system also allows a more irregular distribution of pillars, since beams are not necessary.

Advantages in short


  • Designed for bidirectional slabs
  • Decrease of concrete and weight up to 40%
  • Reduced deformation  (maximum stiffness loss15%)
  • Reduction  of load on foundations
  • Reduction  of pillar section


  • Spans up to 20 m
  • Absence of beams between pillars
  • Reduction  of pillars number
  • Possible  use with prefabricated slabs
  • No lifting and movement devices  required, ideal for restructuring
  • Possible  creation  of monodirectional  slabs thanks  to the “bridge” accessory


  • Reduced seismic mass
  • Less dimensional limitations of elements
  • Double inferior and superior slab


  • More spacious rooms
  • Bigger architectural  freedom
  • Easier change of use


  • Less concrete incidence,  thickness being equal
  • Less steel incidence
  • Usable height saving on each  floor, 
  • Rapidity and easiness of pose 
  • Possibility of big spans, load being equal
  • Possibility of high bearing capacity,  spans being equal
  • Economical transport and easy stocking
  • Ready to smooth  once  the deck is taken off


  • Significant fire resistance
  • Safety on building site


See the construction process of U boot slab



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